Sony Sees PC as the PS4 Pro’s Main Competition

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The President of Sony Interactive Entertainment Andrew House has spoken about the company’s plans for the PS4 Pro. He says it’s the last PS4 Pro model we’re going to see in a while, putting the rumors about Sony becoming an update-happy console manufacturer to rest.

House also said the PS4 Pro was designed to rival the PC rather than other consoles. “I saw some data that really influenced me,” he said. “It suggested that there’s a dip mid-console lifecycle where the players who want the very best graphical experience will start to migrate to PC, because that’s obviously where it’s to be had.” He’s not wrong, this has been happening for a number of console generations now – gamers buy new systems at launch to get that next-gen experience, and then when they don’t get it in the first few years they migrate to the more powerful PC.

We wanted to keep those people within our eco-system by giving them the very best and very highest [performance quality]”, explained House. It’s good to see Sony addressing the superior power of the PC, certainly a smart mentality to have these days.