13.2 Million People Played the Battlefield 1 Open Beta, 28.9 Melee Kills Achieved

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Calling itself not the worst company anymore, EA has proved that it’s coming back stronger this time.

The Battlefield 1 Open Beta that ran for past few days has created and broken huge records in the gaming history. According to EA, 13.2 million players took part in the open beta. Interestingly, this number is larger than the British and Ottoman troops combined that were deployed in The Great War. Out of 7 total playable classes, the Assault class saw the most number of deployments with 30% players. The Scout class was just behind that with 28%.

Other notable records are 28.9 million Melee Kills, 23.8 million Road Kills and more. Tank Hunter was the most Destructive Elite Class.

Battlefield 1 releases on October 27, 2016 worldwide on PC and consoles.