21 Most Used React Libraries and Where to Use Them

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21 Most Used React Libraries and Where to Use Them
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React is a free and open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces, which in turn is used with many React libraries. Here we are going to look into 21 Most Used React Libraries and Where to Use Them.

React is often used in conjunction with other libraries and frameworks, such as Next.js and Redux, to build complex web applications.

React is a component-based library, which means that user interfaces are built up from reusable components. Components can be nested within other components, and they can pass data and functions as props. This makes it easy to create complex and dynamic UIs with React. One of the most important feature of React is virtual DOM.

21 Most Used React Libraries and Where to Use Them

Here are the top 21 most used React libraries and their uses:


Redux is a state management library that helps you manage the state of your React application. It is one of the most popular React libraries, and it has its use in many large and complex applications.

React Router

React Router is a routing library that helps you navigate between different pages in your React application. It is very flexible and easy to use, and it is a must-have for any React application that needs to have multiple pages.
Styled Components is a CSS-in-JS library that makes it easy to style your React components. It is very powerful and flexible, and it is becoming increasingly popular.

Any Design

Ant Design is a UI component library that provides a wide range of pre-built components that you can use in your React applications. It is very popular, and it is a great choice for building enterprise-grade applications.

Chakra UI

Chakra UI is an UI component library and new addition to React libraries that is quickly gaining popularity. It is very lightweight and easy to use, and it offers a wide range of features.

Material UI

Material UI is another popular UI component library that is based on Google’s Material Design guidelines. It is very well-designed and easy to use, and it is a great choice for building beautiful and user-friendly applications.


Recoil is a new state management library that is gaining popularity. It is very lightweight and efficient, and it is a great choice for small and medium-sized applications.


MobX is another state management library that is similar to Redux. It is among those React libraries which are very flexible and easy to use. It is a great choice for applications that need to be highly reactive.

React Hooks

React Hooks, one of the latest feature, lets you use many React features without writing class components. They are very powerful and flexible, and they are becoming increasingly popular.


Axios is an HTTP client library that makes it easy to make HTTP requests from your React applications. It is very reliable and efficient, and it is a must-have for any React application that needs to make API calls.


Formik is a form library that makes it easy to create and manage forms in your React applications. It is very powerful and flexible, and it is a great choice for building complex forms.


Jest is a testing framework that makes it easy to test your React applications. It is very powerful and flexible, and it is a must-have for any React application testing.

React Testing Library

React Testing Library is a testing library that makes it easy to test the user interface of your React applications. It’s main focus is on the user interface, and it is a great choice for testing the look and feel of your applications.


Lodash is a utility library that provides a wide range of useful functions for working with arrays, objects, strings, and numbers. It is very powerful and flexible, and it is a great choice for any React application that needs to do some data manipulation.


React-Query is a data fetching library that makes it easy to fetch data from APIs in your React applications. It is very powerful and flexible, and it is a great choice for building applications that need to fetch a lot of data.


React-Bootstrap is a library that provides React components have style to look like Bootstrap components. It is a great choice for developers who are familiar with Bootstrap and want to use it in their React applications.


Reactstrap is another library that provides React components that you style to look like Bootstrap components. It is similar to React-Bootstrap, but it is more lightweight and easier to use.

React Native

React Native is for building native mobile applications using React. It is a great choice for developers who want to build cross-platform mobile applications.


Next.js is a React framework that makes it easy to build server-rendered React applications. It is a great choice for developers who want to improve the performance and SEO of their React applications.


Grommet is a design system that provides a set of React components that can be used to build beautiful and consistent user interfaces.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that makes it easy to style your React applications. It is very flexible and powerful, and it is a great choice for developers who want to have more control over the look and feel of their applications.

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This list is by no means exhaustive, and there are many other great React libraries available. The best library for you will depend on the specific needs of your project.