Dark Souls 3 Guide: Yoel And Yuria Of Londor Location

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One of the merchant NPCs in Dark Souls 3 is Yoel Of Londor who offers his services only 5 times. Let’s find out the Yoel And Yuria Of Londor Location.

Dark Souls 3 Guide: Yoel And Yuria Of Londor Location

Yoel Location

Yoel needs to be located carefully as if he dies before you meet him, then you will not be able to meet Yuria. Now where to find Yoel. You can locate Yoel below the foot of the High Wall bonfire. When you take him, he will offer you the below mentioned five services and the Beckon Gesture. If you accept Yoel’s offer, then he will travel to Firelink and  you will be offered to level up in exchange for the Dark Sigil. Yuria will appear only if you use Yoel´s service to receive true strength.

Soul Arrow – 1000 Souls
Heavy Soul Arrow – 2000 Souls
Soul Greatsword – 5000 Souls
Magic Weapon – 4500 Souls
Magic Shield – 4500 Souls

If you have never used the Dark Sigil and has killed the Abyss Watchers, then you will find Yoel dead in the Nexus.

Yuria of Londor Location

Once level up with the help of Yoel and uses all five services, Yuria of Londor will appear. You won’t get to meet Yuria is you cure the Dark Sigil before Yoel of Londor dies. Yuria will ask you to kill some NPCs and to bring the ashes to her. Then you will be rewarded. Yuria will appear in Firelink Shrine the same place where you earlier found Yoel. Yuria of Londor wants to marry Anri of Astora. This is the reason she will disappear you kill Anri.