Destiny 2 The Farm Secrets Guide

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In this Destiny 2 farm secrets guide, you will come to know little secrets of the farm. Destiny 2 is releasing for PC in this October 2017. The PS4 and Xbox One version is already out. The Farm holds many secrets besides the usual vendors. There are also many other relaxing things to do like playing a football game or sit by a bank of stream and watch the world go by. This guide will explain a few things about the Farm you may not know.

Destiny 2 The Farm Secrets Guide

The main activities in The Farm are grouped together as a part of the same quest chain. There is a jumping mini-game called On Scouting Patrol. You can unlock this by completing two Vertigo and Wheel challenges. This will acquire you a set of Sentry Rank Buffs. You will need to visit two locations during these challenges – a series of wires between two buildings and the water wheel.


From where you spawn, go to the far left end of The Farm and find the water wheel. Leap through the middle on to the other side and climb up the wheel. Walk up until the notifications appear in the bottom left of the screen.


Go to the roof of a building and onto the top of the wires connecting the barn with the vendors inside and the one with the electrical equipment. Walk back and forth here till the notifications appear.

Now, go to the coast where there is a fire seating. Start the On Scouting Patrol mini-game here. You need to jump into light beams scattered all across the Farm. You will get increased speed and jump height so make use of them. It culminates on the pier not far from where you began. After doing this, you will get the Scouting Commander perk. If you touch other players, they will get this perk too.

So, what else can be done on The Farm? Two vendors which always remain are Postmaster Darbi 55-30 and Cryptarch Tyra Karn. You can also scan a few areas of The Farm for story details. There is also a soccer pitch with goalposts which count your score. You can have fun playing a match or two here. There are a few chickens roaming around as well. You can also take in the view from the streams, forest and beyond the coast by sitting on nearby benches.

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