Destiny 2 Guide: Warlock Class – Subclass Voidwalker

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Destiny 2 is coming for PS4 and Xbox One in Sep 2017. It is an online-only game. It is a multiplayer first-person shooter game. The developer behind it is Bungle and in assistance, Vicarious Visions and High Moon Studios. The game will be published by Activision. Destiny 2 will release for PC in October this year. You can right now grab the Destiny 2 console beta version. This guide is about Destiny 2 Warlock Class – Subclass Voidwalker.

The Warlock class generally controls the battlefield through many new abilities. This guide will describe the warlock class and its subclass Voidwalker.

Destiny 2 Guide: Warlock Class-Subclass Voidwalker

The basic skills of the Warlock class, common to both subclasses are as follows.

Produces a circle of light, healing players and allies.

Same circle of light, boosting attack power of all players inside the circle.

Now, onto the Voidwalker subclass. This subclass has energy drain ability and a special Blink teleportation ability as well.

Here are the controls.

  • L1+R1/LB+RB – It will throw explosive bolt of Void Light, as a result all enemies will disintegrate who gets caught in its blast.

Here are the movement modes.

  • Blink – Let Warlock to teleport a few meters forward. It comes handy for dodging incoming attacks.
  • Strafe Glide – After jumping with strong directional control, float through midair.
  • Burst Glide – After jumping, acquire a strong initial boost of speed through the air.

Here are the grenade abilities.

  • Scatter – Covers a large area. It produce one big grenade which explodes into smaller grenades.
  • Vortex – It builds up a Vortex. Enemies who get trapped inside it gets continually damaged.
  • Axion Bolt – Bolt of Void Light. This further forks into smaller bolts. These smaller bolts look for and target enemies.

Here are the attunement of chaos perks.

  • Chaos Accelerant – Draws energy from super charge ability making the grenade even deadlier.
  • Bloom – Enemies explode by Void ability kills.
  • Cataclysm – Nova Bomb looks for enemies. To blow it off early, you got to fire your weapon at the bomb.
  • Entropic Pull – Recharge your grenade by striking an enemy with Melee.

Here are the attunement of hunger perks.

  • Devour – Health is completely restored if you kill an enemy with this Melee ability.
  • Feed the Void – Uses grenade energy to revive health.
  • Insatiable – If an enemy is killed while Devour is active, the duration gets extended and the Grenade recharges.
  • Vortex – It builds up a Vortex. Enemies who get trapped inside it gets continually damaged.

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