Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 Will Support Two-Player Game play Throughout The Campaign

If you’re excited about Far Cry 5 and when you’ll be able to get your hands on the latest Ubisoft first person game; you’ll be sorely disappointed as it will not be available this year. But, you can pre-order it on steam for the full $59.99 for the base version and wait on it until it’s out on the 27th February 2018.

This steam release has also revealed some interesting things, it will have full CO-OP support. While Far Cry 4 also had it, the support was very limited and not throughout the campaign. Ubisoft revealed that Far Cry 5 will have full co-op support throughout Montana in the campaign.

There’s a lot of things we already know about the game. One that we have the ability to hire Guns (people) and Fangs (animals) to help you complete your missions. As for the available cars, Tractors have been confirmed along with the classic muscle cars, ATVs, planes and a lot more goodies.

If you feel a little more adventurous however, and want to go for some special goodies along with your game, the Deluxe Edition of the game comes with the Big Game Hunter pack, the Ace Pilot pack, the Explosive pack Chaos Pack and a AR-C assault rifle and .44 Magnum Pistol with special skins for a measly price of $70/€70.

While the Gold Edition will let you have all of the above mentioned stuff along with the season pass for a nice price of $90/€90. You can also get a pre-order bonus which includes “Doomsday Prepper Pack which includes the prepper outfit, gun and vehicle skins plus additional consumables”

What do you guys think, is Far Cry 5 going to live up the hype it has caused? Will it be a huge success or will it be a letdown like Far Cry Primal? For more updates, stay tuned.