Far Cry New Dawn | Everything We Know

Far Cry New Dawn | Everything We Know

Among the very expectations of new a DLC perhaps Ubisoft has went all guns blazing and came up with a new game in the Far Cry franchise known as FAR CRY New Dawn. Set in the post-apocalyptic Hope County, we find ourselves 17 years when the Far cry 5 had ended. One of the endings of Far Cry 5 left us with Hope County being nuked at last and  although its a new game in the franchise it cannot be called as Far Cry 6. 

All that we know about Far Cry New Dawn:

The Land of Montana

It’s been 17 years since the nuke fell on the lands of Hope County. Nature has slowly been renovating the whole land into a much colorful and harsh land but at the same time maintaining the same ambiance as before. The world is in healing mode and people are moving in. It makes a perfect entourage for a power hungry tranquil world.

New Threats

After the apocalypse the vicious scavengers are trying to take over the control. The scavengers known as The Highwaymen. Abnegating the very principle of life, they are on a hunt. From these comes out the main antagonist of the game THE TWINS, Mickey and Lou who seemed to have the tied the Far Cry 5, villain Joseph Seed on to a car, as it can be seen on the game cover.

Far Cry New Dawn | Everything We Know

The Weaponry

New Dawn gives you the opportunity of even more creative and gruesome weapons and vehicles that is to be made from the salvaged world. The level of improvisation on the weapons seems remarkable.

Far Cry New Dawn | Everything We Know

Game modes

The game modes have not been changed and it is same as Far Cry 5. You can be a lone gunslinger or tag along with a friend of yours and play Co-Op mode.

In-Game Recruits

Following the trilogy of Far Cry we can assure you that you can tame more animals than before from bears to wolves. The guns for Hire and Fangs for Hire option will be available throughout. Because there is no such thing as “more guns” or “more fangs”.


Have the nukes affected only hope country? Let’s find out. You will be taken onto expedition missions where you will explore more than Montana. For now, we are sure to have a desert canyon, a swampland and coast.

Building stronger home-base to build armored vehicles to survive these terrains will be key objective in the game.


To be released on 15th February 2019, it is expected to cost around $40 in US for Xbox One and PS4. You can preorder the game at https://far-cry.ubisoft.com/game/en-au/buy 

On standard preorder you get a standard Unicorn Trike Skin and on Deluxe package you get the following:

Far Cry New Dawn | Everything We Know


Looking from what we have here, it is a proper sequel to the previous installment. Hence Ubisoft has named it New Dawn and not Far Cry 6. The world has bloomed brighter, but still carries the sense of apocalypse. Even the posters give the feel post the nuclear winter that followed the nuke.

Far Cry New Dawn | Everything We Know

On gameplay part, the most intriguing fact is that the new weapons are salvaged from the world. Although it won’t be a good comparison but it seems to give the same craftiness as in Tomb Raider series. They have given a lot of emphasis over this area. They have certainly increased the level of customization over the vehicles and the stronghold itself.

Seems Ubisoft have been hearing the plea of the fans. Now your dog can come inside the vehicle contrary to Far Cry 5 where it couldn’t. You will be accompanied by another dog named Timber who unlike Boomer (dog in Far Cry 5) is with you most of the time. Though these details are very small but it certainly proves the amount of effort Ubisoft has given to the feedback of the gaming community. Looks like it’s time to return  hope back to The Hope County!