GTA 5 Online Gets Nostalgic Top-View Camera

GTA 5 Online Gets Nostalgic Top-View Camera For New Mode – Details

The latest mode coming to GTA 5 online gives off that huge wave of nostalgia to the times of GTA 1 and 2 when we had that Topview camera system. The latest mode doesn’t have many details to go off of but we do know it’s coming for Pc, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on April 25th, a day after Outlast 2 release.

The mode is called “Tiny Racers” and shows off the Hot-Wheels like cars in the top camera, here’s the latest trailer.

Grand Theft Auto V is also getting a Liberty City mod around spring time. While the Tiny Racers mod does seem interesting and extremely fun, the nostalgia it brings is irreplaceable.