Windows 10 Guide

How to Fix Windows 10 Settings Search Not Fetching Results

For some Windows 10 users, the search function in the Settings window stopped fetching result. If you too are one of them, then the Settings folders needs to be re-indexed. This how to fix Windows 10 Settings Search not fetching Results guide will provide you the steps to fix the search issue.

Trying to do a quick settings search and finding out it is not working can be troublesome. This article will provide you the steps to follow in order to fix Windows Settings search to make it workable again.

How to Fix Windows 10 Settings Search Not Fetching Results

  1. Open the Run window by pressing Win+R keys.
  2. Then type the following the Run window field
    • %LocalAppData%\Packages\windows.immersivecontrolpanel_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState.
  3. Then click OK.
  4. The you have to right-click on the Indexed folder and click Properties.
  5. Then click on Advanced.
  6. Now you have to check the checkbox against the Allow files in this folder to have contents indexed in addition to file properties.
  7. Then click OK and Apply.
  8. And then click OK.
  9. Then click OK when prompted to after the indexing is completed.

That’s all from fix Windows 10 Settings Search not fetching results guide. You may also like to check out how to fix Windows Defender update error 0x80072ee2.