Latest Gaming Physics Technology Trademarked By Microsoft – Possible Physics API for DirectX 12

You are currently viewing Latest Gaming Physics Technology Trademarked By Microsoft – Possible Physics API for DirectX 12

Microsoft acquired Havok back in 2015. The same company which has had a massive role for physics engines throughout the history of modern gaming. Though we’ve seen quite a bit of hints by Microsoft about upcoming physics technology, but it hadn’t been properly revealed of even teased.

There is a need for a DirectX 12 physics API for video game developers so they have access to more complex and advanced physics simulation drivers With the DX 12 integration with Windows 10 as well as the Xbox platform, we’ll be possibly seeing an efficient solution to how engines handle physics in the upcoming months when Microsoft reveals more about the project.

The trademarked technology can be seen here.

We’re expecting a more efficient, complex and modernistic physics engine with the expertise of Havok to be developed. For more updates, stay tuned.