Lost Sea is an action adventure game set in a beautiful, colorful island where the player gets stranded during a freak storm. The main objective is to recruit other survivors and build a ship capable enough to get you out of there. While exploring the island, the player can find strange creatures, Hidden Treasures, Tablets, Gold coins and more.
To make survival easier, one needs to unlock Player Skills which include health upgrades, movement upgrades, attack upgrades and more. After solving the first puzzle, go talk to the Strange Man and he will ask you find hidden treasures and tablets in return for which you can unlock Player Skills and more.
To unlock Players Skills specifically, you’ll need to kill the Monsters and other creatures to gain the Green Orbs. These Green Orbs are the XPs which are required to unlock Player Skills. The list given below lists all the available Player Skills and the XP needed to unlock them.
Lost Sea Guide: How to Unlock Player Skills
- Skill: Run Faster(Consumes Stamina)
- XP Required: 150
Bread Crumbs
- Skill: Highlight the Shortest path Back to the Dock
- XP Required: 500
- Skill: Defeating Enemies Results in a chance of dropping healing items
- XP Required: 2000
- Skill: Evade Enemy Attacks(Consumes Stamina)
- XP Required: 2000
Spin Attack
- Skill: Unleash a mighty 360 Slash(Consumes Stamina)
- XP Required: 2000
Dash Attack
- Skill: Deploy a Powerful Forward Charge(Consumes Stamina)
- XP Required: 2500
Light Footed
- Skill: Increase Walk, Run and Sprint Speed
- XP Required: 3000
- Skill: Increase the Speed of Stamina Regeneration
- XP Required: 3500
Backpack I
- Skill: Unlock the second Item Slot. Carry Up to 2 Items simultaneously
- XP Required: 1000
Backpack II
- Skill: Unlock the third Item Slot. Carry Up to 3 Items simultaneously
- XP Required: 2000
Backpack III
- Skill: Unlock the fourth Item Slot. Carry Up to 4 Items simultaneously
- XP Required: 3000
Leadership I
- Skill: Unlock the second Crew Slot. You can have Up to 2 followers simultaneously
- XP Required: 1000
Leadership II
- Skill: Unlock the third Crew Slot. You can have Up to 3 followers simultaneously
- XP Required: 2000
Leadership III
- Skill: Unlock the fourth Crew Slot. You can have Up to 4 followers simultaneously
- XP Required: 3000
Conditioning I
- Skill: Add and Additional Segment to the Stamina Bar
- XP Required: 1500
Conditioning II
- Skill: Add a second Additional Segment to the Stamina Bar
- XP Required: 2500
Conditioning III
- Skill: Add a third Additional Segment to the Stamina Bar
- XP Required: 3500
Toughness I
- Skill: Add and Additional Segment to the Health Bar
- XP Required: 1500
Toughness II
- Skill: Add a second Additional Segment to the Health Bar
- XP Required: 2500
Toughness III
- Skill: Add a third Additional Segment to the Health Bar
XP Required: 3500