Mass Effect Andromeda Loadout Stations Guide

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Mass Effect Andromeda, an action role-playing video game, released on 21 March 2017 for PC, Xbox One and PS4. The game is  developed by Bioware and published by Electronic Arts. It is the fourth entry in the Mass Effect game series and the first one with a storyline not connected to the original trilogy. The player plays as Sara or Scott Ryder. The player takes the role of an inexperienced military recruit after joining the Andromeda Initiative. Here we will provide details about Mass Effect Andromeda Loadout Stations.

The game contains many armor and weapons. You can change your currently equipped armor and weapons at loadout stations. This guide will show how to find these stations and how to use them.

Mass Effect Andromeda Loadout Stations Guide

You can always find a loadout station on your ship, Tempest. Go to the console in the ship to access it. You can even customize your armor here.

On almost all planets, you get an option to setup a Forward Station. Look for a pod icon on the map and go there.

Select a space marked on the map and use it to establish a Forward Station there. This also acts as a fast travel point. So, search for these spots often. Here is a list of things you can do at these forward stations.

  • Fast Travel Point
  • Refill your Health, Power Cells, Life Support and Shield.
  • Repair Nomad. Also you can call Nomad.
  • Use it as an extraction point to ship.
  • Checkout Sensor Logs for information.
  • Modify Squad Mates Gear.

Check out more Mass Effect Andromeda guides here.