Mass Effect Andromeda Senior Development Director Leaves Bioware

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Chris Wynn, the senior development director has left the Mass Effect Andromeda team and Bioware and is now headed back to USA. He announced this via Twitter recently leaving many fans to wonder what’s next with Andromeda’s development.

In a series of tweets he said,

It is with a heavy heart today to say that I am moving on from BioWare and Mass Effect: Andromeda, and returning to the USA.

The Andromeda team is the most talented team that I have ever worked with, truly inspiring to have worked with you each and every day.

I will join the passionate N7 community and will eagerly await the release of Andromeda with equal enthusiasm. Thank you and Happy Holidays!

In response to this, a Bioware representative told Game Informer,

Chris was a great member of the team. We want to thank him for his contributions and we wish him the best in his new adventures. Development of Mass Effect Andromeda continues to move full speed ahead at BioWare Montreal, Edmonton and Austin.

Wynn has previously worked for Electronic Arts, Epic Games and Microsoft and joined Bioware in July 2013.

The fourth iteration in the popular inter-galactic RPG, Mass Effect Andromeda hits PC and consoles in fall 2016.