This Month's Humble Bundle Monthly - Dirt Rally and Inside for $12

This Month’s Humble Bundle Monthly – Dirt Rally and Inside for $12

Humble Bundle is a charity origination using which games can donate a certain amount to charity and get cool games in return. Humble Monthly is a service in which 5% of the total proceeds go to charity.

This month’s Humble Monthly bundle includes the infamous Dirt Rally, which is an amazing, well-credited and awarded game; if you love indie games, the deal got you covered as well. You also get the game Inside, which is made by the same developers who made Limbo.

You have to sign up for a monthly bundle which is for $12 if you pay each month, while you can get deals such as the 1 year plan in which you pay $11 a month -total amount credited immediately-, and get 1 month free. You also get a lot more games in the bundle which unlock over the month. You can get upto $180 MSRP in games every month.

You can get the latest bundle from here.