New Call Of Cthulhu Screenshots Revealed And They Look Super Horrifying

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New Call Of Cthulhu screenshots has been released by Focus Home Interactive and they are super terrifying.  You can watch the screenshots below:



Call Of Cthulhu

The theme of the game is set in the darkest possible environment plus the game developers have focused mainly on psychological horror rather than splatter and jump scare horror elements.






The main character will see unbelievable things, experience traumatic events, although he will have reason to doubt what he encountered. To instill that in players’ minds, we’ll make use of specific sound and visual effects. Sometimes you’ll need to double take, unsure if what you saw was actually in the game, or rather in your mind. Similar to when people see a face in a cloud, or when you see Jesus in a slice of toast. When you look a little longer, you realize nothing was there… or was it? And what does it mean?