electronic arts building

PC Gaming Is A Priority For EA According To CFO

Most of the game developers see PC gaming as seconds, sending in shot PC ports which run horribly even on the best hardware. This, however is opposite with EA. In the UBS Global Technology Conference, Blake Jorgensen the CFO of Electronic Arts said that the company aims for the highest spec for the PC and then scales down for the consoles, simply giving maximum priority to PC gaming.

The question about EA’s stance when it comes to consoles. Moving all of the EA’s games to the Frostbite Engine has allowed Electronic Arts the desperately needed upgrade to happen to only a single engine instead of “25”, as per Jorgensen. Both Microsoft and Sony are moving towards newer frequencies in consoles and improving hardware, this will allow games to stop dying at retail and make risks in investing in games much less.

In simple terms, Jorgensen said that profit margins will no longer depend on the latest console since the company won’t have to invest in new technologies every console release. Since Electronic Arts has already made their games to exploit best of what hardware is available.

This was shown in the release of Battlefield 1 about a month back, it ran smooth for PCs and became a fan favorite in no time.