Last week we saw the release of the PS4 Pro, the newest system from Sony that adds 4K resolution and HDR (high-dynamic range) to PS4 titles that are compatible with it (or old ones that get patches). While it’s proven to be a fantastic option for both PS4 owners and people looking to get into Sony’s next generation experience for the first time, we’ve also discovered that some games suffer frame drops while running at native 4K.

We’re not talking 30 frames per second (fps) down from 60, we’re talking 30 and below. While the extra graphical fidelity is nice, this is decidedly a problem because it takes away from the smoothness of the experience. We understand some games are taxing the system, but the solution would be easy – simply make games lock at 60 fps, even if it takes away from some of the visual improvements. Framerate is important, especially when most regular PS4 games run locked at 30 – bumping it would make a big difference in performance.
We hope future games or PS4 Pro patches take note of this problem. Developers are always too eager to max out resolution at the cost of performance, which is a mistake.