Stranger Things was Influenced by Many Video Games

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Stranger Things, a Netflix-exclusive show that released earlier this year, was very successful especially among the geek and Internet culture. The show showed appreciation for many things pop-culture, and the creators Matt and Ross Duffer have now said that many video games influenced their show.

The show’s Upside Down area, an alternate dimension, was inspired by Silent Hill. “With all the fog and the forest dripping, we were really looking at that game for visualizing this other world”, said Matt Duffer.

Other influences were The Last of Us and Dark Souls. Matt Duffer said about the latter: “We’re huge, huge fans of the Dark Souls games, and there’s something about when you’re playing Dark Souls–immediately when you’re in that world, it has to do with the imagery, it has to do with the sound design, and you’re just immediately very uncomfortable and on edge. We wanted you to feel that way when you’re in the Upside Down”