Black Desert Online Is getting PlayStation 4 and Xbox One release In Future

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If you’re unaware of Black Desert, it is an Online RPG for Windows PC as of now, but the developers at Pearl Abyss are planning to port the game to both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Though no real dates or further plans are discussed, we did get a confirmation that it is in fact in the works.

This confirmation was in the form of a Q/A between a user Jessica and the official twitter of Black Desert:

This month also happens to be the anniversary of the game and the publishers are pushing the improvements they have done in the past year forward to the public.

Black Desert Online is the most refreshingly unique MMO around. Introducing many new game mechanics and ways to play in a world that’s so exquisitely designed, with characters, building, monsters and even the weather all working together to make the best looking MMO to have ever been released, BDO is only really let down by the game’s unwillingness and/or inability to properly explain its mechanics. The post-launch updates have been great so far and there’s no reason to think the game won’t keep improving.

Even though the game is currently only for the PC, the console versions are already in the works.