Cat Picture Being Used to Hijack WhatsApp and Telegram Accounts

Cat Picture Being Used to Hijack WhatsApp and Telegram Accounts

There is an exploit in the WhatsApp and Telegram apps; a harmless picture could be sent to you which hide code/bugs which can allow the attacker to completely take over a user’s account.

Checkpoint experts wrote “allowed attackers to completely take over users’ accounts on any browser, and access victims’ personal and group conversations, photos, videos and other shared files, contact lists, and more” this means that attackers can use your account and post your pictures or videos on other social media websites.

Once this HTML inject was uploaded and was encrypted and delivered to the other side [the WhatsApp server], the other side was rendering this HTML, innocent-looking image and executed the code that was stealing the local storage of the user.

This threat has been patched over since 8th march and is no longer a problem.