GTA V and Tron Get a Mashup - Land Grab Mod Details

GTA V and Tron Get a Mashup – Land Grab Mod Details

GTA V is known for its whacky mods, if you feel that the base game is a bit towards the boring side, or that GTA Online is a bit too basic, fear not because there are a bunch of mods making their way towards Grand Theft Auto Online.

The Land Grab Mod will be available for GTA Online come spring will allow players to capture areas which correspond to their colors and duel other players valiantly to the death with guns.

You’re going to be set up in a fight against 4 other teams and the one who gets the most amount of territory gets the victory – there will be seven different maps which will support this mod each with their own unique characteristics.

GTA V is available for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.