How to Fix DisplayLink Windows 10 Issues

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Here we will show you how to fix DisplayLink Windows 10 issues. DisplayLink is used to connect two or more displays to the computer using USB. Users who are using DisplayLink on Windows 10 have been facing some issues. So here in this article, we will look at some of these problems and how to fix them.

How To Fix DisplayLink Windows 10 Issues

Issue# 1: Display not showning in Display Settings after disabling it

In Display Settings, When you choose Show only on 1, or any other monitor, this issue occurs to work only on the  larger display monitor.


  • Check Extend these displays option in Display Settings
  • Click Apply to save changes

Issue# 2: Blue Screen of Death while using two or more monitors

Usually the cause of this is DisplayLink driver


  1. Download DisplayLink Installation Cleaner
  2. Then download the latest DisplayLink drivers
  3. Run DisplayLink Installation Cleaner software.
  4. Once the process completes, reboot your PC
  5. Now install the downloaded DisplayLink drivers.
  6. Then reboot the PC again
  7. Then go to Settings
  8. Open System, then Display
  9. Now configure your monitors

Issue# 3: Unable to enter Tablet Mode while external monitors are connected

Users often get this error issue while external monitors extend the main display.


To fix this issue and enter the Tablet Mode, the external monitors need to mirror the primary display.

So now you can fix DisplayLink Windows 10 issues described above. These are some of the issues and fixes that we have provided. More issues and their solutions will be posted soon.