Nintendo Reports Major Loses on Both Wii U and 3DS Fronts

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We thought for a moment Nintendo was finally in a good financial situation, but that illusion has shattered quickly this week. Nintendo has revealed its financial results from April 1st, 2016 to June 30th, 2016 and they don’t look good.

Net sales were $587 million, which is a 31% decline compared to the same time period in 2015, where sales were reported as $855 million. Moreover, both of Nintendo’s main systems, the Wii U and the 3DS showed a decline in sales. The 3DS sold 940,000 units worldwide in this period, which is a 7% decline from last year. On the Wii U front, things are even worse – 220,000 units sold worldwide, which is a whopping 53% decline from the same period in 2015, where sales were already bad for the system.

Let’s just hope the NX helps the company’s situation in 2017.