Watch Dogs 2

Ubisoft Thinks Watch Dogs 2 Will Outperform Assassin’s Creed

You might have noticed this is the first holiday season in a long time that Ubisoft doesn’t put out an Assassin’s Creed title. The sales of that franchise are important for the financial security of the company. Well, this year, they think Watch Dogs 2 will fill that gap.

That’s what Ubisoft sales director Darren Bowen thinks. The first Watch Dogs wasn’t on the level of the big Assassin’s Creed releases, not even close, so we hope Ubisoft is truly going to put out an excellent title if they’re making claims like this.

Watch Dogs 2
Ubisoft truly thinks Watch Dogs 2 will do great.

That said, they’re still putting out the Ezio Collection this year for people who need their Assassin’s Creed fix, it’s not like nothing’s coming from that franchise this year. Both Watch Dogs 2 and the Ezio Collection release November 15.