Call of Duty WW2 Headquarters Features Guide

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This article is about Call of Duty WW2 headquarters features. Call of Duty World War 2 is a first-person shooter video game that released on Nov 3 this year. Activision published COD WW2, the 14th main instalment in the Call of Duty series, for Xbox One, PS4 and Microsoft Windows. It is set amidst the World War 2 and focusses on a squad in the 1st Infantry Division and their Western Front battles and more.

After you complete the introductory game of Team Deathmatch, you will be placed in the Headquarters’ social space. Headquarters in Call of Duty WW2 are located on the beaches of Normandy. You can spend time, socialize, and do more between multiplayer matches. Below you will find details about Call of Duty WW2 headquarters. This guide will list out the features in the Call of Duty WW2 Headquarters social space in the game.

Call of Duty WW2 Headquarters Features Guide

Mail call

After you arrive the Headquarters, the mail call is the first place you visit. In Mail call you get Armory Credits, the main currency of the Headquarters. 100 Armory Credits every 3 hours. This is also the place where you collect the items awarded to you and those that you’ve earned that have come.


This headquarter is the place where you get latest videos regularly being added by Sledgehammer Games. This includes MLG gameplay and developer diaries.

Firing Range

Located on the other side of the mail drop from the Theater, Firing Range is the place to test your arms. Bring guns, grenades and other equipment and test here.


This is located on the beach. This guy can upgrade your weapons with perks as well as give your weapons paint.


You can spend Armoury credits on various contracts here, rewarding you with bonus XP.

Social Space

This Headquarter is all about socializing, flaunting your achievements. All these while you wait between matches, form parties, clans etc. You can hang out with and praise other soldiers.

The Headquarters can also be used to open Supply Drops which are new weapons, uniforms and more. These Supply Drops can be achieved by playing through Call of Duty: WW2 multiplayer modes. When you walk around on the beach, focus on a few leaderboards that will populate. These leaderboards will have names and the ranks of the other players who are also there in the Social Space headquarters. You can get an idea of how you fare compared to other players.

Operations Bunker

The Operations bunker can be found after the mail drop. In the Operations Bunker headquarters, your superior officer, Howard will give “Orders”. These small challenges can be picked come each day and each week. Completing these Orders, earns you Supply Drops, Armory Credits and experience points.

Each day, three orders can be picked and weekly also three orders. These orders, once chosen, will be there with you. You can either complete them or you may also leave them. Check the daily orders getting refreshed regularly in the Orders tab. You don’t need to meet Howard for these new orders.

Division Prestige

Overlook is located around the corner from the mail drop and before that is the Division Prestige. Now how it works is that when a single Division is leveled up to 5 by you, the Division can be reset to its base level. The benefit is that your character’s increase in experience gains, best primary weapon unlock and also its Basic Training perk.


In the 1v1 section of the Headquarters, on the beach you can challenge other players for a one-on-one match.

You may also like to read about Call of Duty WW2 Multiplayer modes.