How to Format USB Drive from Command Prompt in Windows

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Here we are providing you a short and simple guide on how to format USB drive from Command Prompt. This guide is meant for any version of Windows up to 8.1.

How to Format USB Drive from Command Prompt

  1. Connect the USB flash drive to your PC
  2. Then press Win + R keys
  3. Then type CMD to open Command Prompt
  4. Now find out the drive letter assigned to the USB drive that you just connected to your PC (it may be something like H: or I:)
  5. Then in the command prompt windows, type the following command: (REPLACE H: with the drive letter assigned to your USB device)
    • format /q /x H:
  6. Now press Enter

The above command will quick format (q is for “quick format”) and if needed in the process, the volume will be unmounted (this is done by the parameter x)

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