How to Boot in Safe Mode in Windows 8 and 10

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Here in this guide you will find the steps to boot into safe mode. This article is for Windows 8 and 10.

How to Boot in Safe Mode in Windows 8 and 10

  1. Restart your PC, and while it reboots, press F8 to enter “Safe Mode”
  2. When you have done that, following three options which be there for you to choose and proceed:
    1. To just enable Safe Mode with limited services and drivers, press F4 key.
    2. Then the second option is to enable Safe Mode with Networking. You can enable it by pressing F5 key. It will provide you network and services so that you will be able to access the Internet. And if you are on a network, you will be able to access other computers on the network too.
    3. The last option is to enable Safe Mode with Command Prompt by pressing F6 key. In this option, your PC will start with a Command Prompt instead of Windows interface.


When you are done with the Safe Mode, you can simply reboot your PC.