How To Enable Dark Mode In WhatsApp

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We know how long you’ve waited for dark mode in WhatsApp. Google has slowly started enabling dark interfaces for its applications in recent weeks. Apps like Photos, Drive, Calendar and Keep have received this update. It’s about time, we start seeing it in third party applications too. Dark mode helps users to use their phones in dim-lit without hurting their eyes much. It also gives the app a modern feel to it. So without further ado, let’s dive into the tutorial.

Before beginning, note that this tutorial will only work in Android 10.0 Q version. This is because dark mode for WhatsApp has not been rolled out officially yet. Now let’s head into the tutorial.

You need to follow these steps to enable it.

  1. Hop into the Settings -> Display -> Select theme -> Dark
  2. Now, you need to go to Settings -> About phone
  3. Find ‘Build Number‘ by scrolling down and then tap it seven times to enable Developer options.
  4. Now go to Developer options and find ‘Override force-dark‘ option and enable it. This simply enables the Android system to apply dark mode to third party apps.
  5. Finally, you need to apply a Chat background to a dark one by going into WhatsApp Settings -> Wallpaper -> None and you’re done.

Now you have dark mode in WhatsApp. Once the WhatsApp dark mode is officially released, we’ll publish a new guide to get you through. Stay tuned for more updates.