How to Fix Can Not Set DEP Attributes On 64-bit Executables

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The following steps may help you if you are searching for How to Fix Can Not Set DEP Attributes On 64-bit Executables.

How to Fix Can Not Set DEP Attributes On 64-bit Executables

  1. Click Start
  2. Then right click on Computer
  3. Select Properties
  4. Click on Advanced System Settings
  5. Go to the Advanced Tab
  6. Click Settings in the Performance section
  7. Now select the Data Execution Protection tab
  8. Click the Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select option
  9. Then click the Add button
  10. Browse or navigate to C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe
  11. Now click open
  12. Click OK on the warning message that prompt
  13. Click Apply or OK
  14. That’s all you need to do.

This is should the issue. If still you face the same problem, you may need to do a clean boot.