No Man’s Sky Guide: Nada And Polo Location

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The player is free to explore any planet in the game and its own unique flora and fauna.This Nada And Polo Location guide will show where to find Nada and Polo for getting its rewards.

No Man’s Sky Nada And Polo Location

Specialist Loch will mention about Priest Nada and Scientist Polo after creating HyperDrive and getting the Antimatter from him. Leave the planet and an anomaly will be shown on the player’s scanner after using a fourth warp jump. Mark the location and go there.

Note: The Space Anomaly has a chance to appear after using one or multiple Monoliths.

Go inside to meet Priest Nada and Scientist Polo. Nada will offer these choices.

  1. Shortcut to Center – Reveals the Location of a Black Hole.
  2. Help Find Atlas – Reveals the Location of an Atlas Interface.
  3. Wish for Technology – Provide a recipe for Extra Health

Make your choice and speak to Scientist Polo. On the first encounter, he will give the player the Atlas Pass V1 and then will require the player to finish certain objectives for other items. That’s how you can find Nada and Polo Location in No Man’s Sky. You may like to check out No Man’s Sky – how to upload discoveries in PC and PS4. You can find the complete No Man’s Sky Guide here.