Tap My Katamari for iOS and Android coming in 2016

Tap My Katamari for iOS and Android coming in 2016

This year’s Tokyo Jump Festa saw the announcement of the next entry the Katamari series.

Bandai Namco announced Tap My Katamari for ios and Android devices to be released soon. Earlier this year, we heard reports of Bandai Namco’s trademark registration for a project called “Tap My Katamari.” However no specific release window for the game has been announced. But we believe that the trailer’s “coming soon” message certainly means a 2016 release.

The first Katamari game, Katamari Damacy debuted on PlayStation back in 2004. A number of sequels followed with latest one “Touch My Katamari” being released on PS Vita.

In addition to Tap My Katamari, the Japanese publisher made a few other announcements. These include the western release of One Piece: Burning Blood and Tales of Berseria.

Are you excited for this new Katamari game? Comment.